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You can scan your answer sheet using a traditional scanner or a mobile application and send the scanned file in pdf format to our email address mentioning your name, the name of the test and the time you had taken the test.
You can also send the same pdf file to our Whatsapp number as an attached document mentioning your name,the name of the test and the time you had taken the test.
You can also click a photo of the answer sheet and send it to us in our email address mentioning your name,the name of the test and the time you had taken the test or send it to our Whatsapp number mentioning the same details.
Davidson House, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU, Reading
Question Paper There are numbers of questions Chapters/Topic wise in our Questions Builder; and we can make Questions sets in a minutes from this for any Tests. We can download the Questions sets once ready from "Download Questions" option.
Practice Report This report is help you to make practice on questions where you made mistake in the test. It's showing how to write correct answers and their steps. You can download this report from "Download Reports" option.
Report for Teachers This report helps Teachers to show weakest area of each students on their subjects and topic wise. So that teacher can focus on that area; and, work for improvement of students. You can see this report from "Dashboard".
Assessment Report This report is assessing your answer set; and marking your answers. It's showing where you made mistake, and why cut your marks. This is also showing if there are incomplete answers, wrong answers, bad handwritting etc. You can download this report from "Download Reports" option.